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Many years of exploration into the mystery of the "body-mind" and how it creates our reality from birth to death has helped me recognize the importance of accessing ways to tap into

the innate wisdom we all possess. This process can lead us to a life of greater fulfillment, peace and joy.  As a practitioner of therapeutic counselling, I see myself as a facilitator rather than an authority. The models I use in sessions incorporate an understanding of the adult and childhood developmental process and the complexity of relationship dynamics. I believe that ongoing training, education and self-exploration is part of my responsibility to clients and to my own continued personal development. I include this work as part of a greater personal path of transformation to becoming a better human - more honest and loving every day. 

My aim is to offer a warm, comfortable and non-judgmental setting where individuals can grow and experiment with the process of change. We learn together to cast a fresh outlook on our reality. These shifts can then lead to a life of more peace, health and pleasure.

I live on a rural property near Nelson, B.C. and take continual enjoyment in all that natural beauty.

About Me

Training and Certifications

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

Certified Body Mind Practitioner

Certified Hypnotherapist

Certified trainer in The Work (Byron Katie) - Innerland

Certified 7 Lotus Chi kung Instructor

Certified Yoga Instructor





Some models used in therapeutic approach:

Gestalt therapy

Dream therapy


Family Constellations

Eidetic therapy

TEP, Level 1 and 2, myofascial integration

Chakra therapy

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The Work of Byron Katie

Meditation techniques

Being a good fit is important.

When you're ready, schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.


“I am often surprised by how deep we go and what comes up as an issue. Susan holds a safe space that fosters deep healing, especially after I stopped trying to figure out what was happening and just allowed myself to feel”. - Sara Kinakin

“In the time I’ve been working with Susan, I have changed my outlook on life to one of acceptance coupled with action.  The models and techniques she uses are combined with a sharp intuitive ability.  She applies humour where appropriate. The methods are simple yet profound and if you’re willing to show up and be vulnerable you will experience results that you can take home and in to your life.”  -Robert Sangstrum

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