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“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.”  

                 ~Lao Tzu  



When we become aware of how our thoughts, feelings and behaviours impact daily life we can transcend long held patterns to create a life of greater ease and joy.

Seeking Support


We all experience times when life is a struggle. It’s part of being human.  There can be times when seeking support from a therapist or counsellor can help us gain perspective or to help us understand why we respond to situations in ways that no longer serve us, or others.  An effective therapeutic process can help  give us the insight needed to look at life objectively and not distorted by our wishes and fears. We may gain a greater sense of freedom and experience more meaning in life.



Mountains Meet Lake

Benefits of therapy/counselling​

  • Decrease self-judgment and increase self-acceptance.

  • Learn to love ourselves more fully and honestly.

  • Recognize self-destructive patterns and change them into positive actions.

  • Navigate challenging relationships.

  • Reduce stress levels, anxiety and reactivity.

  • Heal old emotional wounds.

  • Demystify and transform fears.

  • Improve the ability to love others.

  • Increase creativity, gaining personal power 



You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.   

                                       ~Maya Angelou

Beach Bonfire
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